Right here + Right now!

Michael Barker (John butler Trio) clinic several years ago. Having so many ideas, concepts and possibilities steaming through my mind at any given minute of the day it can be sometimes a little tricky knowing where to plant my feet and stop on an idea and run with it. Drumming and even just 10 minutes... Continue Reading →

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Let’s begin at the beginning..

And by the beginning I mean from around 2004 onwards! ...As time went by during my years working music retail looking after the drum department in the local music store and just me being me, I was always thinking up ways to improve, learn and self-educate so I could hopefully pass on any skerric of... Continue Reading →

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The future is now!

I remember as a kid seeing the adverts and posters for Terminator 2 (the movie) and wishing I could grow up faster so my parents would let me see it! A few years went by and I was finally allowed to watch it and I remember (apart from how cool John Connor was) all those... Continue Reading →

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A little about Brisbane Drums

The original idea and concept for what has now become Brisbane Drums began around 2001 as Zipper Demo Studio. Being an energetic little drummer and a guy who loved pulling things apart, rebuilding, modifying just about everything that came my way, coupled with my love for music tech I decided I wanted to start offering... Continue Reading →

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